Mankato Community Acupuncture is here to provide quality affordable acupuncture for everyone. Tamara Stoffel Dipl. O.M. is a National Board Certified Acupuncturist, Licensed by the Minnesota State Board of Medical Practice.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that has lasted for thousands of years, on nearly every continent, safely and successfully treating everything from pain to digestive disorders, stress and sleep conditions to emotional disorders.
It is such a privilege to be able to share it with you here at Mankato Community Acupuncture.
My office is handicapped accessible, and all ability friendly. Call or text ahead of time so I can accommodate needs.
I provide pain management as an alternative to Opioids, and a shame-free space for those looking to overcome addictions of any kind.
Pricing: $40-$60 sliding fee scale includes 45 min session of acupuncture and any adjunct therapy needed such as cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, etc. $10 one-time, additional fee for initial intake. Venmo or cash accepted.
Sliding Fee Scale is provided for equal accessibility in Alternative Medicine, and support for ongoing health challenges, including mental health.
Packages available for additional discount.